Some students recently embarked on a wizardly adventure! Edison Intermediate School (EIS) staged its student fall drama production, “Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic.” This play follows the journey of Hufflepuff Wayne Hopkins, an aspiring wizard attending Hogwarts.
In the production, Wayne meets many other Puffs, such as Meghan, Oliver, Cedric, and Leanne. As the Puffs navigate through this newfound world of magic, they run into problems that test their friendship and determination.
The students and staff that participated in the process put in six weeks of hard work and dedication to bring the play to life. “Puffs” had one of EIS’s largest casts, with over fifty members, including narrators, Puffs, professors, Death Eaters, Mr. Voldy, Harry Potter, and many more characters.
While the cast practiced their lines during rehearsals, crew members behind the curtains worked their behind-the-scenes magic. With the help of Language Arts teacher Mrs. Jessica Ciampa, the light crew practiced shifting the ambiance of different scenes in the play. They used a large collection of lights, colors, and intensities.
Eighth grader Veer Mukherjee, a member of the lighting crew, shared, “I really appreciate Mrs. Ciampa for teaching me everything I know about lights. I’m also thankful for my fellow members of the lighting crew for being great people.”
About her job as the lighting director, ELA teacher Ms. Jessica Ciampa explained how her role has changed,
“When I was a student at EIS, I was in the plays on the stage. I like that now I am participating in the dramas using my creativity differently. Now I am behind the scenes. Mr. Altmann used to be my director, and now he’s my coworker.”
The transformation from the EIS stage to Hogwarts wouldn’t have been completed without decorations and flag backdrops for each house. Eighth grader Katie Dragan, an assistant director of the play, explained, “The set crew designed and built all of the sets and scenery.”
Other crews include the sound crew, prop crew, and house crew. The EIS fall drama also had four assistant directors and two assistant stage managers.
Being a part of the play was an enjoyable time for many. Eighth grader Mahika Salariya, a part of the school staff in the play, described, “The most exciting part of being in the play was working with my friends and meeting new people. Building new relationships added to the whole experience.”
But as you know, most drama productions bring challenges. Seventh grader Gavin Salerno, Cedric Diggory in the play, explained, “I’d say the toughest part is definitely memorization. Not knowing what you’re going to do next can really throw you off.”
Seventh grader Andrew Kim, an assistant director of the play, also added, “The most challenging part of preparing for the play was dress runs, and people not knowing where they’re supposed to go.”
Overall, many audience members enjoyed the play. Assistant Principal Mrs. Jackie Spring commented, “I loved the battle scene the most! The whole auditorium was used, and it was interesting to see people in different areas. I also really like how they presented Harry Potter.”
“Puffs” wouldn’t have been the best-selling fall drama ever without its touching overarching message. Mr. Michael Altmann, public speaking and drama teacher, has been directing EIS dramas and musicals for more than two decades. This year’s fall drama was chosen for a couple of reasons.
As director Mr. Micahel Altmann declared, “I love the overall message in the show that everybody counts, and everyone is important in their own way,” he explained. “When the kids get that message of whether you’re a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Slytherin, it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re a good person.”