Resolutions are on the rise

5…4…3…2…1… Happy New Year! 2022 surprised us all by coming so soon. Many individuals are going to strive to make 2022 the most memorable year, through creating New Year’s resolutions. What is a resolution?

A resolution is a goal set specifically for a new period of time in order to stay motivated. There are many intentions that people set for this year. Eighth grade Edison Intermediate School (EIS) student Sonya Machat shared her resolutions for this season. “My goal in 2022 is to maintain good grades and do something active every day,” Sonya stated.  

Additionally, eighth grade student Kevin Reynders exposed his resolutions for the year. “My goal this year is to eat healthier and get outside more,” he said.

A slightly different way of planning a great new rotation around the sun is by making intentions. EIS English Language Arts teacher Ms. Jessica Ciampa explained the difference between resolutions and intentions. “A ‘resolution’ is creating a goal that is either accomplished or is not accomplished and there is little to no flexibility. An intention is a broader goal — or in my eyes, a lifestyle choice — that has much more flexibility.”

According to research,  although people begin the year with great ideas to improve their lives, resolutions do not last long. According to the article “New Years Resolution Statistics,” data shows: “Of those who make a New Year’s resolution, after 1 week 75% are still successful in keeping it. After two weeks, the number drops to 71%. After one month, the number drops again to 64%. And after six months, 46% of people who make a resolution are still successful in keeping it. In comparison, of those people who have similar goals but do not set a resolution, only 4% are still successful after six months.'”

Alice Schafer, an EIS eighth grader, agrees with these statistics. She explained why she believes people quit on their resolutions. “My New Year’s resolutions usually last for a month but then I usually quit. People quit on their New Year resolutions because they set unrealistic goals for themselves that they most likely will not be able to achieve,” Alice mentioned.

However, many who end up completing their goals have specific things that keep them motivated. For example, if someone’s resolution was to increase the amount of time they put towards studying, their main source of ambition could stem from getting good grades. EIS eighth grader Elliot Leman declared, “The things that keep me motivated when trying to keep up a resolution or task are my friends and family because they support me when I start to struggle. Also, the feeling of achieving a goal keeps me pushing. It gives me motivation to become a better version of myself and it helps me live a healthier lifestyle.” 

The most important part of creating a resolution that you are wanting to achieve is to stay determined. When individuals persevere and stay persistent with their goals they are more likely to attain their goals. Eight grade EIS student Alex Rokhsar agrees. “The most important part of making a resolution is having the ability to stay determined and create a reasonable goal. Your resolution lasts as long as you don’t give up,” he shared.