Imagine being bullied to the point where you don’t have the confidence or energy to come to school everyday. “Over 10,000 students get bullied per year”(Goldstein). The reasons why students get bullied are because of their race, gender, and body type.
One type of bullying is cyber bullying. Cyber Bullying is used to harass, threaten or embarrass another person online that you know or do not. This can be done on social media platforms such as tiktok, snapchat, instagram, and Video games etc. “The bully can feel insecure about themselves and want to improve their social status, this causes them to bully students”(Goldstein). People cyber bully by posting bad pictures or mean videos about them or make mean comments to them directly online.
Another type of bullying is verbal bullying that can happen in school, outside of school or with friend groups etc. Verbal bullying is when a bully says words that are very hurtful to another person. This can affect this other person by them not wanting to be social or not coming to school so they don’t have to interact with the bully. “Verbal Bullying can mostly occur during school hours,”(Stop
The next type of bullying is physical bullying. This occurs when the bully is physically harming you and putting their hands on you. “ Physical bullying can cause students to have medical attention such as going to the hospital which is expensive”(Stop Physical bullying has different scales; it could be as small as pushing someone in the hallway to actually getting punched or slapped.
Overall, if you are being bullied we encourage kids to speak to a trusted adult or if you see others being bullied stand up for them or give them comfort, support, and advice, even if they cant solve the problem directly. Encourage the child to report bullying if it happens.