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Edison Insider

Living a lie

Unveiling the truth about hypocrites
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Think about a friend who adamantly advocates for a drama free lifestyle and voices how much they dislike when false rumors and accusations arise involving them. That same friend will later go on to express how much they dislike another person, we all have those friends don’t we? In these contradictory actions, we witness the essence of hypocrisy- advocating for a drama free lifestyle while engaging in gossip and disdain towards others. But what is hypocrisy? 

Hypocrisy is the routine of claiming to have certain values whilst one’s own behavior does not meet them. 

Infuriating isn’t it, people not keeping their word? 

It is essentially lying to not only others but yourself included. Hypocrite’s inconsistent behavior outrages those who witness or fall victim to it due to the loss of trust we feel and the emotions we experience when we learn of the improper conduct that they participate in. “Intuitively, it seems that we might dislike hypocrites because their word is inconsistent with their behavior, because they lack the self-control to behave according to their own morals, or because they deliberately engage in behaviors that they know to be morally wrong,” according to Jullian Jordan, author at the Association for Psychological Science (APS).  

A hypocrite’s behavior is especially disappointing as one might already know when someone apologizes for their wrongdoings, their apology may not come across as authentic as they’d probably like it to. It is not uncommon for hypocrites to apologize for their behavior without genuine remorse, sincerity or the intention to change. They may apologize to maintain appearances, manipulate others or deflect criticism towards them, rather than out of actual recognition of their wrongdoing and the desire to make amends for it. This is all displayed in the quote from William Hazlitt, “The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy”. 

Hazlitt’s quote highlights the above in the area where it is mentioned a hypocrite’s repentance is hypocrisy itself, this aligns with how we read that hypocrites often apologize without genuine remorse or intention to change. Overall the quote exhibits how hypocrisy is a significant vice due to how it undermines the sincerity of apologies. In spite of all this, I believe many, including myself, do not realize just how common hypocrisy might be. A real life example of this might be how many preach the importance of living a healthy, balanced lifestyle whilst also indulging in junk foods and living behind their screen. The amount of hypocrisy we witness or participate in during our daily lives goes to show the complexity of human nature and the challenges we face in consistently trying to live up to our professed beliefs and values. I can promise you that everyone has at least participated in hypocritical behavior once in their lifetime. Don’t believe me do you? 

This entire article of mine has been hypocritical. I have critiqued individuals who aren’t consistent with their beliefs and yet I have failed to acknowledge my own moments of inconsistency and hypocrisy. An example of this is how I have judged others for not being consistent with their wishes for a drama free life-style even though I have just participated in similar behavior by expressing my disdain towards others who exhibit hypocritical behavior. Danielle Readdy, author at Pucker Mob, writes in one of her articles, “The main reason there is so much controversy is because so many people can not seem to grasp the concept that everyone has a different opinion pertaining to literally everything. I promise you, you will never come across two beings who completely agree on everything pertaining to every aspect of life. Once this is understood the world will be a more peaceful place.” 

Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that human beings aren’t perfect, we have flaws and are bound to make mistakes. We also, just as Readdy wrote, are all going to have different opinions, values, beliefs, likes, and dislikes. Experiences and goals, the list goes on. Thus, being more open-minded to not only others’ hypocritical behavior and applying the knowledge from this article, as well as acknowledging when you yourself display acts of hypocrisy, the world may just get along a little better. 




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About the Contributor
Caitlin Carr
Caitlin Carr, Writer
Caitlin Carr is a writer at the Edison Insider. In her free time, she likes to play field hockey, bake, and sometimes read when it’s a good book. She also likes to listen to music, specifically Taylor Swift. Her favorite season is summer when she goes to South Africa. She loves to visit her family and friends when she's there. She also loves to go to the beach and eat at her favorite restaurant Spur. Caitlin’s favorite thing to get there is chicken with a variety of sides. Caitlin is very excited to write for the Edison Insider.

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