Have you ever felt unappreciated for your hard work? Have you ever felt like you aren’t recognized for your impact in your community? Being overlooked does not bring a pleasant feeling to those who have worked tirelessly to support their community; unfortunately some of us know this feeling all too well.
Acknowledging the contributions made in communities, like your school, can be very impactful in multiple ways. Gavin Salerno, seventh grade student at Edison Intermediate School (EIS), agrees wholeheartedly with this statement, “When some people go the extra mile they deserve to be appreciated, especially if it is for a good cause.”
By appreciating others in a community for their contributions and hard work, we can assist in making them feel more appreciated and encouraging them to carry on while also inspiring others to do the same. “People shouldn’t seek rewards for their contributions and achievements as it gives them the wrong idea of the purpose of why they have done their job. Rather people should act for the good of the cause, that can show other people that they are doing good and inspire many,” Mr. Andrew Cusumano, EIS media center specialist admitted.
Mr. Cusumano’s statement highlights the idea of rewarding people in communities for their contributions and achievements. But that doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t be recognized. Laia Colet-Rams, eighth grader at EIS stated, “By recognizing one’s achievements in a community we raise the bar, setting higher expectations and overall helping us grow as a community.”
We can assure you that someone in your community right now is not being appreciated for all their hard work and effort put into the community. Support staff members at our school such as our school resource officer, custodians, cafeteria aids, nurses, secretaries and guidance counselors, are all people who are not considered “traditional teachers.” Although they do not get enough recognition for all they do for us in our community at EIS. eighth grader Lidia Wright agrees that they help us in many vital ways, “They make our school environment safer, cleaner and a better place to learn.”
School custodians and other support staff members in our school all have incredibly difficult jobs, and we’re going to educate you a little on what goes on behind the scenes. In spite of all the hard work support staff put in during their work day, EIS support staff members go the extra mile to make sure our school is a better place for everyone. For example, they come to school earlier than everyone else as well as staying much later after hours. Mrs. Smith, EIS main office secretary stated, “I arrive at 7:15 a.m. My coworkers and I begin to answer emails, prepare for the late students, look at the calendars, answer calls and greet people at the door. There is plenty to do in the morning before school.”
School cafeteria workers have a lot to do before, during and after school hours. Jacob Zimmerman, school cafeteria aide explained the process in which he and his co workers go through every day: “There is always a lot to do in the kitchen the entire day. I’m a ‘floater’ and usually help out when others are unable to. We’re all one big team and everyone works together to maintain and run the cafeteria.”
The cafeteria workers definitely deserve a round of applause for their hard work. Have you ever seen a busier place than the cafeteria during lunch periods? Another person that deserves praise for their crucial and wearing job is Edison’s very own resource officer (SRO), Officer Ricardo Johnson. Despite putting his safety on the line for everyone else’s well-being, Officer Johnson remains a friendly and humble person at EIS. When he is not patrolling the school grounds and making sure we are all kept safe, Officer Johnson answers emails and attends to matters at our school. Officer Johnson and many other staff members were all inspired to pursue their professions due to the fulfilling feeling it brings them when giving back to their community.
Kevin Womack, EIS custodian explained what a typical work day consists of for him and his co-workers, a team of diligent and pleasant custodians that make sure we are kept safe and polished at our school. “Before school, my co-workers and I make sure nothing surrounding the school is out in places where students can get hurt. During school, we make sure all the doors are locked and after the school day is over, a team of five of us clean up the school in designated sections.”
Without Mr. Womack and the other custodians at EIS, us students and teachers wouldn’t be able to go about our regular school day. This applies to everyone in our school community. For example, you wouldn’t be able to learn, which is the main purpose of going to school, without your teachers being present and guiding us. Just like how teachers are a crucial part of our school community, so are students and especially the support staff. Without any of them we as a school wouldn’t be able to function with ease or at all.
Sra. Rusignuolo • Apr 26, 2024 at 8:25 am
The members of our support staff are all amazing! Thank you for highlighting their hard work 🙂