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Here is an example of an extensive summer bucket list.
Do you have a summer bucket list full of adventures? Actually, 90% of Americans have a summer bucket list full of activities they wish to do. At Edison Intermediate School (EIS) many students have come up with activities they hope to do this summer. This year, students at EIS have prepared their summer bucket lists and are ready to meet all of their goals.
At EIS, some students have tasks on their bucket lists that are more “crazy” than typical bucket list tasks. Some students have simple tasks including swimming, hiking, and going on a picnic, but others have different tasks that may be considered adventurous or outgoing. Eighth grade student Etta Schaefer shared her love for her “crazy” summer activities, “Some things on my bucket list are taking care of ducks, going to the beach, kissing dolphins, swimming with pigs, and riding my bike in the sunset.”
In addition, summer bucket lists can allow people to imagine and expand on their experiences. Students came up with some creative ideas, but the five most popular summer activities are watching the sunset on the beach, going to an outdoor movie, taking a road trip, going on a hike, and having a picnic in the park. Seventh grade student, James Slettland announced his goals this summer, “I want to go on a road trip to Six Flags with my friends and go on Kingda Ka this summer.”
Also, having a summer bucket list can help some people make the most of their time, so that they do not feel disappointed by not doing everything that they wanted by the time fall comes around. It allows people to be able to fulfill their summer goals, and have no regrets when summer ends. Eighth grader Delia Walker explained, “I think summer bucket lists give people things to do over the summer instead of being lazy. It gives people goals to achieve so that they are not just wasting their time in their beds.”
Bucket lists can also give some people experiences and memories that could be looked back on for the rest of their lives. A teacher at EIS, shared her ultimate goal for this summer as something she would love to look back on later in life. Special Education teacher Mrs. Diane Iannacone exclaimed, “I would love to go to the beach from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. This would bring me peace and comfort for a whole day. I would remember that for the rest of my life and have the best day ever. I could swim, get tan, and just have a memorable day.”
Furthermore, bucket lists can expand the places that students have been in the world. It allows people to explore new places that people have always dreamed of going to and creates new memories. Eighth grade student Sofia Perafan added, “I want to go skydiving and go to Spain. I have never been there, but I am so excited. I heard that it is really beautiful and fun.”
In brief, summer bucket lists can achieve different goals for different people. If you want bucket list inspiration, click this link for ideas.